It’s That Time of Year

2016-christmas-treeToday is December 1! While it is snowing on my blog now (which is my favorite thing!) I sheepishly noticed that I haven’t posted since AUGUST.

YIKES! Does anyone read this thing anymore?

I am disappointed that my time doesn’t lend itself to be writing as much lately-especially here, however, I haven’t totally let QGRS go yet because of what is coming next August. Psssst. All my kids will be in school for 8 hours a day and I have NO IDEA what I will do! And I’m very happy not having a plan.

Thus, in the mean time the ol’ blog will continue to be updated rather infrequently. I’m ok with that too.

But today folks, today is December 1! I’m reflecting on many (14 actually) Decembers with the love of my life and husband Jeremy. We have been through times of plenty and times of want, we have had Decembers of great joy, great fear, and even great sorrow, tension and angst. I find myself finally in a place of gratefulness-though it escaped me for the majority of November.

November. UGH. November was SO awful friends. Lice-which are from Satan himself I’m sure of it, news of divorces that hit too close to home, broken phones and more that I don’t even want to think about. But December has entered in with a holy measure of peace. Could it be because I’m reminded of the Peace on Earth that is ushered in through Jesus? I think it has something to do with that and the struggle and miry pit of November as I wrestled through my own longings and sad heart.

My  heart was anxious for the hope, the peace, the joy and the love of Advent. I was longing for it like a thirsty athlete. So when it came time for this first Sunday in Advent, I ran to it with open arms this year and my heart has experienced refreshment in the midst of sad things.

Isaiah 9:2 New International Version (NIV)

The people walking in darkness
    have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
    a light has dawned.

I’m not sure where you are this year as Advent unfolds all around us, but as you reflect on where you are now, where you have been in years past and what could be in the years to come, I pray that you can find the hope, the peace, the joy and the love in each of those reflections. Life is not going to look perfect where we are now. It is a holy longing in our souls that all things would be made right, that all names would be restored, that all things would be made good and beautiful and radiant. Only Jesus can do those kinds of miracles.

Shalom. O Come, O Come Emmanuel!